New Business For Sale: Relocation Services LTD
Home / Blog / New Business For Sale: Relocation Services LTD
The Biz Blog
September 27, 2024 by Kendric Foultz
Kendric Foultz just launched a new listing: Relocation Services LTD
Relocation Services LTD
Asking: Accepting Offers • Gross: $8,103,375 • Net: $1,185,343Business for sale is a well established personal and corporate relocation service. The company operates from a centralized U.S. headquarters, but could easily be relocated anywhere in the country. Its effective territory is nationwide. The business has six employees under payroll and outsources much of its labor needs. At its core the business is a sales and marketing enterprise and internal data shows just what the impact is regarding targeted investment in these areas. The industry is fairly fragmented so this offering is a huge opportunity for the right acquiring party to take advantage of this platform. All key employees are willing to stay on with the business through a transition and beyond if necessary. The owner wishes to retire, but will stay on for up to a two year period to ensure stability. The company enjoys relationships with approximately fifty corporate clients and the opportunity to acquire even more is virtually untapped. To date, several million dollars have been invested in the buildout of this platform. The owner recognizes that an acquiring party will need to continue to invest in the business to bring out the true potential and is willing to accept an earn out structure for some portion of the consideration. This is strictly a strategic offering and interested parties should be able to demonstrate how their acquisition will add value.
Kendric Foultz
Office: (310) 882-2200 ext 102
Businesses for Sale