Buyer Registration
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Thank you in advance for taking the time to register as a buyer with BizEx. In addition to the confidentiality agreement and basic contact information, we also require you to fill out a Buyer Profile. This will help us identify additional businesses you might be interested in, and help pre-qualify you for SBA & 3rd party financing.
If you are new to the business buying process, please be patient while filling out the buyer profile. Sellers are very concerned about confidentiality, above and beyond the protection provided by the Confidentiality Agreement. If their employees find out, or some of their key customers or clients, it could have a significant impact on their business continuity. Which is why they want to limit the disclosure of information to qualified buyers only. Sellers sometimes give us discretion, but often we are required to send them a copy of your profile before we can give access to confidential information on their business.
Experienced buyers will be happy to know that you only have to register with us once. We can use these same forms for any business you might be interested in.