New Business For Sale: State Law School becoming nationally accredited
Home / Blog / New Business For Sale: State Law School becoming nationally accredited
The Biz Blog
January 20, 2022 by Steve Lukes
Steve Lukes just launched a new listing: State Law School becoming nationally accredited
State Law School becoming nationally accredited
Asking: $800,000 • Gross: $ • Net: $Great opportunity to acquire 100% ownership of an active 35 year old Law School that is seeking capital for online growth. Currently, the online law school is seeking (national) DEAC accreditation and has a 35-year history, which was a fixed facility state accredited law school from 1995-2020. The DEAC accreditation will allow for national recognition and also open the doors for international students.
The current owners are looking to sell and be involved post sale to help lead the efforts towards online expansion. Ideally the acquirer/investor provides 300k to cover the DEAC fees in phase I and then the remaining 500k in Phase II, which would be used to clear out the cap table and provide marketing capital. The staff has relationships overseas and will strategically target those students, and within the US once the DEAC (US national accreditation) is complete. The sellers prefer to work with a synergistic buyer/investor.
Audited financial statements are available for serious inquirers.
For more information, please complete the BizEx Buyer Registration at
Broker/M&A Advisor contact: Steve Lukes | | 310-871-2909
Steve Lukes
Office: (310) 882-2200 ext 164
Businesses for Sale