Dan Higgins

Marketing Specialist

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With a consultative approach, Dan helps brokers market listings by focusing on finding the right buyers.  This involves an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the company and the industry, as well as a custom marketing plan to reach the right buyers. 

Dan has experience in hospitality sales, financial planning, real estate development, advertising, technology, and B2B event marketing.  These experiences give him valuable insight into many industries and disciplines as he works to understand a companies niche and value proposition within their industries. 

He has managed marketing teams generating over $200 Million annually and understands all aspects of developing and managing successful sales and marketing plans.  

Broker Information

Dan Higgins
Marketing Consultant
100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Office: (310) 882-2200 ext 166
Lic#: 02114580