Greater South Gate Liquor

Home / Listing / Greater South Gate Liquor

This listing is: Off Market


BizEx ID:BizEx1133-AK
General Location:Los Angeles, CA
Category: Liquor Stores
Food & Kindred Products
Years in Business:46
Under Present Owner:7
Hours of Operation:9-11 mon-thur & sun, 9am-1am fri & sat,
Owner Hours:absentee
Training:2 weeks @ 20 hours
Organization Type:Sole proprietor
Lease Expiration:9/2018
Lease Options:one 5yr
Building Size:2200sf
Reason for Sale:Other Business Interests


Asking Price:$140,000
Down Payment:Negotiable
Gross Sales:$560,352
Discretionary Cash Flow:$90,000
Inventory Included?No
Min. Operating Capital:$15,000
Real Estate Available?No

2019 2018 2017
Gross Sales $ 560,352 $ 576,342 $ 557
Gross Profit $ 191,430 $ 194,920 $ 191,750
Disc. Earnings $ 72,238 $ 82,810 $ 81,833

Logos Member of the California Association of Business Brokers Member of the International Business Brokers Association Member of the M&A Source Holder of the Merger & Acquisition Master Intermediary designation, M&A Source's highest qualification Holder of the Certified Business Intermediary designation, IBBA's highest qualification Holder of the Certified M&A Professional designation from Coles College Trained by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts to conduct business valuations