Napa Landscaping Business - Residential & Commercial

Home / Listing / Napa Landscaping Business - Residential & Commercial

This listing is: In Escrow


BizEx ID:BizEx1435-TP
General Location:Northern California, CA
Category: Landscaping & Yard Services
Years in Business:33
Under Present Owner:33
Hours of Operation:M-F + Sat & Sun as needed
Owner Hours:Various
Training:2 weeks @ 20 hours
Organization Type:S-Corp
Lease Expiration:At Close of Escrow - Location not available.
Lease Options:Comparable new location rent: $7000 - $8000.
Building Size:
Reason for Sale:Focus on other interests.


Asking Price:$2,745,000
Down Payment:$2,745,000
Gross Sales:$3,277,821
Discretionary Cash Flow:$805,000
Inventory Included?Yes
Min. Operating Capital:
Real Estate Available?No

2021 Tax Return 2022 Tax Return 2023 Tax Return
Gross Sales $ 3,161,232 $ 3,247,224 $ 3,277,821
Gross Profit $ 2,811,616 $ 2,938,452 $ 2,949,194
Disc. Earnings $ 747,738 $ 883,322 $ 784,232



Established in 1991 this profitable company provides the very best in landscape and estate management to a discerning clientele who value customized, personal services to care for their substantial monetary and emotional investment in well-tended gardens and estates in Napa Valley. 

A Few Key Points:

• Caters to its clientele’s individual and unique needs by offering a wide range of exceptional services and sourcing the highest quality   materials available.

• Maintains a highly professional staff that understands and responds to customers’ individual goals for their gardens.

• Prioritizes responsible stewardship of the land and the environment, using organic products whenever and wherever possible.

• Updates equipment utilizing zero emission tools and machinery whenever possible

• Supports and contributes to the community at large.                                                                                                                              

Gross Proceeds before Expenses & Depreciation: 2021-2023 Average annual gross income: $3,228,759.  2024 YTD is back on track running approximately 8% over  2023 during the same period. Average Discretionary Earnings are $805,000.

Seller requires proof of funds before providing Financials and a Confidential Business Review [CBR]. 

For more information, please complete the BizEx Buyer Registration at  After registration contact Broker, Tom Plotkin - Tel: 310.882.2200 ext 127 Email:


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Disclaimer: The information herein is furnished by the seller; BizEx has not verified this information and makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, completeness, or authenticity. Future earnings may differ from past earnings. Discretionary Earnings is defined as earnings before deducting interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, and adding Owners salary, benefits and non recurring expenses.

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