Remodeling Experts in Marin & Sonoma - Kitchen & Bath

Home / Listing / Remodeling Experts in Marin & Sonoma - Kitchen & Bath


BizEx ID:BizEx1447-EM
General Location:Marin and Sonoma Counties, CA
Category: Consumer Services (B2C)
Years in Business:38
Under Present Owner:38
Hours of Operation:Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00
Owner Hours:Varies
Training:4 weeks @ 40 hours
Organization Type:S-Corp
Lease Expiration:2025
Lease Options:Buyer to Sign New Lease
Building Size:1000
Reason for Sale:Retirement


Asking Price:$400,000
Down Payment:Negotiable
Gross Sales:$200,000
Discretionary Cash Flow:$Call
Inventory Included?Yes
Min. Operating Capital:TBD
Real Estate Available?No



Home Remodeling Specialists for all facets of residential construction - Kitchens, Bath, Door Replacement experts. They design and build all projects.

The company has been a success residential home builder and remodeling company for the better part of the past 44 years.  Great reputation and very profitable.  The company is comprised of 3 separate divisions.

Only 1 Division is currently for sale - Not all 3. 

For Sale - 

  • Rights with Dealer for North Bay and whole Easy Bay (East Bay Dormant now) – would have access to all the Home Depot accounts in the Bay Area (Now we are working with 3 of them)
  • 800K in Established Revenue over 4 years
  • 48% Produced Margin- can show a history of this
  •  Comes with
    • Sales Person who gets 10% of the sale
    • Production manager who is paid 90K a year now and could run the company doing 3 times the volume
    • This leaves 26% margin money
    • Two Vans (Loans balances $ 35K approx.)
    • North Bay warehouse lease ($1,200 month)  and forklift

 NOTE: the company is currently operating in the RED in 2024. The seller is looking for a seasoned construction company that would be interested in buying them out for 1 division. He is hoping that this company could "right the ship" and streamline operating to become profitable again. We are only engaging with qualified construction operators.

For more information, please complete the BizEx Buyer Registration at

After registration that includes an online NDA, Broker Eric Mellem 

Eric Mellem (310) 293-6414

Download Setup Sheet

Disclaimer: The information herein is furnished by the seller; BizEx has not verified this information and makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, completeness, or authenticity. Future earnings may differ from past earnings. Discretionary Earnings is defined as earnings before deducting interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, and adding Owners salary, benefits and non recurring expenses.

Eric Mellem
Business Broker/ M&A Advisor
100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Office: (310) 882-2200 ext 146
Direct: (310) 293-6414
Lic#: 1220802

Logos Member of the California Association of Business Brokers Member of the International Business Brokers Association Member of the M&A Source Holder of the Merger & Acquisition Master Intermediary designation, M&A Source's highest qualification Holder of the Certified Business Intermediary designation, IBBA's highest qualification Holder of the Certified M&A Professional designation from Coles College Trained by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts to conduct business valuations